Monday, April 20, 2009

Kismet: Movable Platforms

Because movable platforms are so common in Unreal, the editor has a shortcut to create them without the hassle of enabling Triggers and hooking things up in Kismet.

Select a Static Mesh but add it as an InterpActor (very important)

The InterpActor will be pitch black. If you cannot see the mesh, press "W" on the keyboard. Double click on the mesh to access its properties. Under DynamicSMActor->Light Environment -> LightEnvironmentComponent, enable it.

The result is from dark to visible:

Select the mesh, open up Kismet, right click on an empty area and select "New Event Using InterpActor" -> "Mover"

Double click on Matinee, notice the tracks have been created for you. Add a key for the starting point and ending point.

Do the necessary movements.

Run the level and you are able to trigger the platform to move. HOWEVER, there is one problem.... the platform does not detect collision with your character and you are not elevated with the platform (which is the whole point of elevators, right?). So double click on the InterpActor to access it properties. Go to Collision and choose COLLIDE_BlockAll. There! Instant elevators.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cheers buddy, tutorial is gold-dust for newbies to UTED3

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